Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29th 2015

Blog Post of the Day:

Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...." (explain)

In 10 years from now I will be a veterinarian. I will have just graduated from Vet school the year before. I will have attended Tufts University for my undergraduate degree and also my graduate vet school. I will have spent my undergrad time swimming as a Jumbo (the Tufts mascot). I will work at a vet clinic somewhere and begin paying off my debt and saving up for my own vet clinic.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday January 27th 2015

Blog Post of the Day:
Yesterday I had you choose a global issue and you wrote about it on your blog. Today on your blog I want you to tell me about two different perspectives of your global issue. Are there people for an against your issue? Do people disagree on your issue? Is it a topic that can cause controversy? Look at the issue for two different perspectives. Tell me about those perspectives.

Oil Prices:
From the view of an American consumer, the low gas prices are amazing! We don't have to pay as much money for our gas and it is easier to fill up at the pump. It is also helpful for the entire economy because with the lowering in gas prices help the economy grow and be profitable. The consumer likes the lowering in gas prices even though they don't understand the economic war that is being waged on the United States.

From the view of a country in OPEC, the increase in production of oil is both damaging and helpful to them. For some nations, that don't have a large supply of capital, and who rely on high gas prices, are hurt by the low price of oil. But other nations, such as Saudi Arabia, are still managing with the low prices; these nations are benefiting because the fracking industry is being damaged by the low gas prices.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Oil Prices

Without doing any research, what background do you currently have on this issue?
What do you want to know about this issue?
Why did you choose this issue? Had it effected your life? Is it something you are passionate about? Explain.

The oil prices that have been decreasing in the United States are a direct result of an OPEC oil war that is being waged. Countries like Saudi Arabia have plenty of oil reserves that they can afford to keep the prices low by increasing production, this action is in direct response to the increased amount of fracking by U.S. companies. With the prices so low for oil, the fracking industry is becoming obsolete due to its high cost. Some nations in OPEC are worried that the increased production is also hurting their profits from exporting oil, but, the world's largest producer of oil, Saudi Arabia, is not concerned by the lower prices. This price was that is being waged on the United States by other oil rich nation is hurting our oil production industry, but helping consumers.

I want to know why countries like OPEC are continuing the drive the price of oil into the ground and if this economic war will become something that is more than that. I also want to know if the fracking industry can survive with gas prices so low.

I chose this issue because it directly effects my life, with the lowering of gas prices in the United States, it is great for the consumers, but it is hurting the fracking industry. I also chose this because I am interested in the topic of oil and how it commands our economy. I am also interested in seeing how gasp prices will change in the future.

Monday January 26th 2015

Blog Post of the Day:
Last week I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain

I think that when you asked us to "think differently" I think that you asked us to do that because everyone does the same thing for all of their PSA's and you wanted us to be original and creative. In the creative process, you have to think and use your brain to come up with new and different ideas, and that is what you wanted us to achieve. The point of pushing yourself is to be better and to get better, you always grow when you push past your comfort zone and improve. I think that expanding ideas and not just listing facts is the best way to project ideas.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Friday January 23rd 2015 Kids These Days!

Blog Post of the Day:

Kids these days! They are getting into all sorts of trouble. They spend all of their time using their rainbow looms to make bracelets and necklaces, my wife Susan and I have 13 rainbow bracelets. They spend all their time on their gee-dang eye-pods and y-boxes, I can't hardly keep up. When I was a kid we used to play OUTSIDE, but these skinny whippers just sit on their rumps all day doing thumb exercises. These kids are out of control and need to get back to working in the mines like I was when I was their age.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday January 22 2015 PSA

Blog Post of the Day:
What is a public service announcement (PSA)? What do PSA's do? What makes a good PSA? How can you get someone to take action after watching a PSA? What is you PSA idea? Explain in detail.

A public service announcement is a presentation of information that is designed to persuade someone's opinion toward or against something. Topics often include smoking, drinking, and other things that are detrimental. PSA's use photographs, data, and statistics to portray their ideas and influence people. A good PSA makes someone feel toward a certain topic and influences them. You can get someone to take action by having a call to action, or providing ideas for them to do that will help them. My PSA idea is to show all the detrimental things that are caused by teen drinking and all use appeals to emotion, like fear, to influence people not to consume alcohol under the age of 21.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20th 2015 My Weekend

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me all about your 3 day weekend. Share photos!

Wowza this was a quick three day weekend! I had a swim meet early Saturday morning at BVN, it was against all of the Blue Valley Schools and we got 3rd place. After the meet we went to get some food at Fuzzy's Taco Shop. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and resting. On Sunday I spent a lot of the day doing homework and helping my dad take the bathtub out of my parent's master bathroom. I also went and hung out with some friends on Sunday night. On Monday I had swim practice at 8:00 AM and then went to IHOP for some unlimited pancakes. I had work at 1 PM and was there until 6:00 PM where I went home and finished up my homework.
This is me at my swim meet

These were some pancakes from IHOP

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday January 16th 2015

Blog Post of the Day:

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.

Life for yours truly is very jammed packed with activities and classes. I am involved in the BVHS swim team, this is my third year on the team and hopefully I will be going to state again this year. I am also involved in Relay for Life at our school. I am the Junior chair along with my fellow homie Rachel Trout. I am in many honors societies including Mu Alpha Theta, and Science Honors society. I am a junior here at the fine establishment of BVHS. My favorite class is AP Physics, taught by Mr. Holloway. He is my favorite teacher and makes the content we are learning fun! This year I am looking forward to working hard to get good grades to try to get into the college of my dreams.
Me with Hillary Hiezman in London, England
My mom and I at 2014 Homecoming Dance

Thursday, January 15, 2015

All About Me

Thursday January 15th 2015

Blog Post of the Day:

Always help others
Be kind to others
Do your best
Enjoy the little things
Find happiness in things
Go for gold
Help others
Kindness will get you far
Limit bad attitudes
Make other's day
No quitting
Open to anything
Prepare for what's ahead
Quitting isn't an option
Run to finish
Stay golden
Try your hardest
Undertake challenges
Voice your opinion
Work through problems
eXclude negative people
You rock!
Zoom to your goals

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday January 13th, 2015

Blog Post of the Day: What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself.

I think that this class is a lot of fun. I have learned so many things that are very helpful and important in the real world. I don't think it will be very difficult as long as you pay attention to the all mighty Mrs. Scheuerman. I think that some of the things will be challenging but not hard! I have learned some basic code with inserting images by not just copying and pasting. Some of the things that I want to learn is a better understanding of computers and how to use them in the best way possible.

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12th 2015 My Weekend!

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.

This weekend I was very busy and spent time working and doing homework. At Lionsgate Pet Hospital (my place of work) we had an amazing Saturday filled with pups and cats. At work we had to draw blood from my cat and send it off to the lab because she has hyperactive thyroid. This test is needed to see if the medicine that we are giving her is helping her get better. I also had a lot of homework to do on Sunday but I didn't do most of it and instead watched football.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday January 9th 2015 The Report Card

Having Swag: A+
Working Hard: A
Helping Others: A
Trying my Best: A
Swimming: A
Having Fire* Tweets: A++
Gettin h*cka likes on Insta: A
Procrastinating: A
Loving Animals: A
Watching Netflix: A

*Having a fire tweet is when your tweet gets lots of favs and RT's and your notifications are bumpin'

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 8th 2015 - Words for this Grumpy Old Man

Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

Wowza do I feel motivated! These are the words of a grumpy old man who is telling the same uninspiring speech that he gives the kids that come into his court. I think that this man has some very outdated ideas that are clearly reflected in his use of terms, "cry baby," (not a politically correct term) and saying we need to, "start behaving like a responsible person." I feel like telling teenagers to act responsible restricts them acting like kids and having experiences. I completely disagree with this judge because teenagers need time to experience, live, laugh, and fail before they are thrown into the "real world" and forced to be slaves of society.